Maybe no one can understand my pain, but I really don´t care. I know why it´s hurting so much on me, I "lost" an important person in my life, I´m fighting agans myself to be stronger enough, but deep inside I hope someday everything´ll be all right.
It dosn´t means I wan´t you back, yes, offcourse I want you back now, but I´m looking for a better world to me, I want and I hope more than anything else that my mind and heart can be calm and in peace.
This last four months was strange, I made one of my biggest mistake, at moon party, it was really stupid, but in this months I grew up like 100 years. This time I know I gave to you my best part, I was understanding you, helping you, I´ve tryed hard and I´ve been a good person.
Now I´m feeling alone, like no one cares with me, and worst, without a part of my world, the best part of my world, my real love, my first love who I though would be forever, without my dream. I´m feeling unsafe, vulnerable, but I know the only thing I´m able to do is go on and find my peaceful place in this world and a new love. Until I find a new love I´ll be waiting the happy end.
*sei que meu inglês não é dos melhores, sei(acho) que devo ter cometido muitos erros neste texto, mas há alguns anos eu não escrevia em inglês. Me deu saudades, veio a inspiração e ai está!
*I know I don´t speak english very well, and maybe there are lot´s of mistakes in this words, but it was in my heart.
2 comentários:
rapaz, pior que isso. aquela é a sheila mello, a loira do tchan. O.o
Lovely painting!
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