People always tell me about why I did not find a b.friend yet (after my ex), better than this, they they me only one thing - wait! - today I tell you, who the hell this people think they are? Not all this people of course, but that ones who told me - you are to young -. I don´t care if I´m younger than you all, I´m eighteen years old, is it a kind of eel? I don´t think so!
It´s true I´m young, but I know what the hell I want, I know what I like and what I´m looking for, and I totally hate this kind of guys who prejudice me (or anyone else) because of age. I´m pretty much intelligent and my age is not what I am.
If you are this kind of guy, who judge other people just because of age or sex or any other thing pay attention maybe (probable) you are losing great chances to meet cool people and this prejudge is so last season!
ps.: I know my english is not great but I wanted to write it in english.
4 comentários:
Hi, thank you for your visit.
Why you are so uspset about that?
Don´t worry with that people said because it happen all the time just be happy.
Menino, ficou tão interessando assim na foto!
Tem muito mais de onde veio!
Associe-se e delicie-se!!
A little bit lazy to read in english...lol
o ingles ta bom
so que engoliu as virgulas
nao é pq vc é jovem... é pq vc nao achou a pessoa certa... nao queira o que nao é pra vc
espera... O CARA vai aparecer
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